Achieving work-life balance is a difficult task for working moms. Many of them don’t believe it is possible to juggle their professional and personal lives. Nearly half of these moms find managing their careers and personal lives challenging. Setting clear boundaries is essential to maintaining an excellent work-life balance.
Setting boundaries-Strategies for Working Moms
A working mom needs a set of boundaries to balance her work and home life. To set these boundaries, she must be clear about her expectations for the home and kids. She should let her partner know if she needs extra help with the kids or household tasks. In some cases, this might mean more time for the family.
The first step to setting boundaries is to set realistic expectations and be willing to change them over time. Setting realistic goals can help you avoid burnout and stress. Ensure that you check in regularly to evaluate how you are feeling.
Communicating needs
Working moms should be encouraged to communicate their needs to their employers and managers openly. This can help prevent assumptions by colleagues and managers, which can short-circuit women’s professional ambitions. Downey calls this “benevolent discrimination.” Suppose a working mom is planning to return to the workplace. In that case, she should ensure that her boss knows her personal needs and understands her professional goals.
Being assertive
When addressing an issue, being assertive is crucial to ensure success. It is important to remember that assertiveness is not a one-time act and that you should consider the circumstances before communicating your views. You can address the issue without being too emotional or provoking the other person. Also, using “I statements” will help you establish boundaries without triggering defensiveness.
As with any skill, you must start with low-stakes situations to learn how to be assertive. This includes sending food back from a restaurant, asking for an extra piece of food, and making decisions. As with anything else, practice makes perfect, so don’t be afraid to use your words at home!
Finding a work-life balance-Strategies for Working Moms
The key to finding a work-life balance is to prioritize your priorities. Work and family should be on top of your list, but you also need to give yourself time to enjoy the things that are important to you. Often, this means letting go of things you don’t need to be involved in.
While many women find work-life balance challenging, many have realized that flexible work hours can allow them to achieve a better work-life balance. Even fathers who are caregivers can benefit from flexible hours as well.
Creating systems and processes
Creating systems and processes for working moms can be difficult, but it is worth it. They allow working moms to focus on the quality of their work while not feeling guilty about working from home on Fridays. In addition, working moms will have more confidence in their ability to meet deadlines. Thanks to technology, working moms can stay connected to the office while completing their work. They can use tools such as Google Hangouts, Skype, and Slack to keep in touch with their coworkers and managers, and virtual private networks allow them to work from home.
Organizations can use on-ramp programs to help new moms adjust to the transition back to work. These programs can be formal or informal and can involve placing new mothers with managers who can help them navigate the unique challenges they’ll face.