Desiree Peterkin Bell
Desiree Peterkin Bell, president and CEO of DPBell & Associates, is a two-time best-selling author, award-winning, seasoned political and brand strategist, and advocate who seeks to lead movements, not moments. Her 20-plus years of experience with some of the biggest names in politics, as well as those in the cultural and global landscape, solidified her position as a trusted advisor, brand builder, and key figure in political, public affairs, and strategic circles.
Always driven by purpose, Desiree Peterkin Bell is focused on championing causes that amplify the voices of people of color and other underserved and marginalized communities.
After Desiree graduated as a National Urban Fellow (New York) with a master’s degree in public administration, she went to work for former Mayor Bart Peterson in Indianapolis. Her work included addressing several key community issues, such as affordable housing and economic development. However, after 9/11, Desiree decided to return to her hometown of New York, working for then-Mayor Bloomberg’s administration as a Supervising Legislative Representative.
While working for Bloomberg, Desiree Peterkin Bell championed three historic pieces of legislation in public law: The New York City Smoke-Free Air Act of 2022, Tort Reform, and the Film Tax Credit. Recognized for her initiative, resourcefulness, and tenacity, Desiree was asked to serve as Vice President of Government Affairs of NYC Marketing. She secured multi-million dollar sponsorships for the city from major corporations, including Universal Studios, General Motors, The Latin Grammys, and the Country Music Awards.

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